Tips To Make Your

Content Journey Easier

Content Mistakes To Avoid … especially if you’re just starting out

Things I’ve Learned From Working Intuitively

This was a BIGGIE for me and took me a looong time to fully realise.

Firstly there was the bit where I didn’t even know that I was only seeing what I wanted to see.

Then there was the Uh-oh of realising. (Then there may been a tantrum or two 😉)

And then finally came the freedom of letting go of what I wanted to see in order to see what was actually there – which turns out to be a lot more productive and constructive!

No matter what kind of business we run, when we’re working intuitively, our wiser Self will always prompt and guide us to see what we need to see for the highest good.

What’s your Intuition showing you about your business today?

For years, I laboured under the illusion that as long as I was working with my Intuition, nothing in my life would go wrong. So every time things became challenging, I assumed that something somewhere had gone terribly wrong 😬. Which of course it hadn’t. You, me, all of us are here to learn and grow and guess what? We can’t do that if life is rolling on without anything to challenge us. (It would also be extremely boring!). Our Intuition is here to guide us for the highest good of our journey and whether we like it or not, our journey will have bumps along the way.

However that doesn’t mean that our Intuition isn’t there to assist us when we do find ourselves climbing a mountain whether in our personal life or our business. That’s another thing I’ve learned. I can choose to struggle through a business bump or look at what I can do there and then to move through it. We always have a choice!

I often see people ask how to know if they’re working with their Intuition or working with their personality. Different people have different experiences but one of the ways that I know for sure is when an idea pops into my head that I immediately react to. I know that’s my Intuition talking because my personality would never give me an idea that would require me to step out of my Comfort Zone!

So for example, if I am working with someone and we have an Agreement that they are ignoring, my Intuition will prompt me to address that. Now, my personality may not agree because it wants to be liked so maybe I don’t want to be seen as ‘the bad guy’ who holds to her boundaries. That reaction is what tells me straight away that I need to follow my Intuition’s guidance because it knows exactly what steps I need to take to keep moving forward. And stepping out of my Comfort Zone is definitely one of them!

What suggestions has your Intuition offered that you really haven’t wanted to follow?

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